Making a Model for Analyzing the Contemporary Art World Based on the Clerical System of Religious World via Max Weber’s Sociology of Religion

Document Type : Research Article


1 Isfahan university of art

2 Art University of Isfahan,, Iran.

3 Art University of Isfahan, , Iran.


Statement of the Problem : How does the spiritual system of religion affect the dominant paradigm of society? What are the factors which shapes the world of contemporary art? In which ways the institutional structures of contemporary art, such as the gallery, have shaped the shapes and forms of the art world?
GoalPurpose and Method: The main idea of this research is about the structure of religious world and its impact on the dominant idea of the era and their factors, actions, and the hierarchy of power. To understand this hierarchy and the development of spiritual apparatus, firstly, we consider the world of religious thought and its impact on the formation of hierarchy and the behavior of subjects investigate and in the next step, we consider the agents-institutions and their ratio with the dominant idea in the contemporary art world.
Conclusion: In this study, religion and art are considered as two homologous texts. Considering the role of institutions and its’s agents in the creation of the religious world, it seems that this route can be traced more correctly their ,. It could be seen that here the Church and its spiritual apparatus have a great deal of association with the organizations and institutions of the world of art and its hierarchical construction. The church is like a spiritual apparatus, which systematically and organizationally looks for building patterns and practice method. The equivalent of it in the art world could be seen at the museum-gallery and be matched with it. The present research attempts to study the contemporary art world and its branches such as Iranian contemporary art, through considering the issue of legitimacy and the role of the spiritual experts of the world of art in constructing and shaping all aspects of contemporary art and aesthetics through the exercise of this legitimacy. The methodology of this research is stemmed from the Weber’s sociology of religion and its special impression in analyzing of the clerical system of religion. We have analyzed and categorized our data based on this theoretical context.


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