Group belonging to Place, Realization of Social Residence, in Traditional Neighborhood

Document Type : Research Article


Faculty member/ Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran


Studies in urban design and quality of place of residence include a lot of discussions about the importance of physical-spatial and semantic elements as well as social structures etc. to convey a sense of place. However, less emphasis is placed on the concept of group belonging to place of residence as a parameter that gives a location a specific meaning.
This article outlines three types of relationships between a society and the place it belongs to: spiritual-mental, moral-ideological and biographical. It then strives to determine, measure, and compare these relationships in one of the traditional neighborhoods of the city of Hamedan. The authors have conducted field studies and interviews with residents of this neighborhood to evaluate the dimensions and influences of group belonging to place of residence.
This research shows group belonging to a traditional neighborhood are strong and have strongly influenced the mentality of residents regarding the identity of the place they live in. The three types of spiritual-mental, moral and biographical relationships between society and place of residence are interconnected and play an indivisible role in creating a sense of belonging.
