A Sustainable Framework for Intervention and Heritage-Led Regeneration: A Systematic Review

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Iran.


Problem statement: The ineffectiveness of conventional approaches to intervention in heritage areas has made urban development experts search for more sustainable methods of intervention. Considering these areas as a valueless entity has led to the implementation of policies derived from neoliberal approaches, which ultimately cause widespread destruction of human heritage, the commodification of urban public spaces, and the neglect of public interests in favor of profit and capitalists. Based on this, the main question is dedicated to the issue of what intervention model can be used to fulfill the interests of the stockholders in the heritage areas, improve the economic, physical, environmental, and social conditions, and protect the heritage in a coordinated and harmonious action.
Research objective: To face this problem, researchers from a theoretical point of view and within the framework of systematic review methodology and qualitative research are trying to provide a sustainable and integrated model for heritage-led regeneration.
Research method: Based on the main objective of the research and aligned with the framework of the systematic review methodology, first a targeted search in valid foreign and domestic scientific databases using relevant keywords was put on the agenda. Based on this, 693 articles and books were selected; After the initial refinement, identification, and verification of the topic, this amount was reduced to 256 sources and finally 68 related sources. To find the relationship between the used texts, the VOSviewer software was used, and finally, using the thematic analysis method, with the help of MAXQDA software, a conceptual model of intervention regeneration in heritage areas was proposed. 
Conclusion: as a result of the research, a sustainable and integrated model containing the principles and criteria of sustainable heritage-led regeneration (including six main dimensions: the intervention tool process; the limits of the intervention; the effective forces; the method of providing financial resources; stakeholders and intentions) It was presented to intervene in heritage areas. Based on this, heritage-led sustainability is an approach that includes a more comprehensive form of strategy and action with more emphasis on integration, balance and balance between different dimensions, and physical transformation through drivers that improve the economic, social, physical, and environmental conditions. Multi-sector participation underscores the role of local communities and emphasizes a chain of heritage-based cultural activities.


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