The Effect of Sense of Community on the Formation of Behavior Settings (Case Study: Ritual Public Spaces of Tabriz)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Full Professor, Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic ‎Art University, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic ‎Art University, Iran.‎

3 Ph.D. Candidate in Architecture. Faculty of Architecture & Urbanism, Tabriz Islamic ‎Art University, Iran.


Problem Statement: As environments with meaningful roles that are harmonic with the community, behavior settings are of great importance in enhancing the living environment quality. Additionally, a sense of community in individuals is a human and identity-related factor in the field of environmental design, which can be achieved through personal behavior, as well as the cultural state of a society to depict similar links and perceptions among individuals. Therefore, obtaining a clear meaning of an environment, on the one hand, and analyzing the sense of community indices in affecting the behavior-milieu synomorphy1 , on the other hand, is the key to understanding a behavior setting and forming an environment harmonic with the community. 
Research Objective: The present paper seeks to answer how behavior-milieu synomorphy in a behavior setting is influenced by a sense of community components, to identify and examine the role of a sense of community in forming behavior settings.
Research Method: This is a retroduction-based applied study. Consistent with this strategy, the theoretical model was achieved through data collection and literature review with a qualitative approach and reference to desk research; experiential analysis and explication were also conducted on the model during the field.
Conclusion: According to the research results, synomorphy in the ritual public spaces of Tabriz is effectively influenced by social and mental conditions components related to lifespan, upstream perception, and social issues. Additionally, environmental features and transpersonal factors (upstream perception and similar perception to others) act as criteria for determining the sense of community in public spaces. The extent of correlation between the sense of community and synomorphy forming behavior settings shows that the sense of community acts as a human presence catalyst and a basic element in increasing the factors affecting harmony and synomorphy in the environment. In other words, the sense of community has a significant effect on the formation of behavior settings.


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