A Study on Event and Acinema in Lyotard’s Thought

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy of Art, Faculty of Art, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Art Research Department, University of Arts, Tehran, Iran.


Problem statement: In addition to providing a new definition free from traditional constraints, critical theory scholar Jean-François Lyotard specifies new components for postmodern works of art by characterizing modernism and postmodernism as two oppositions to realism. Furthermore, thanks to Kant’s reflective judgment, Lyotard views event in a way that challenges the genres of the dominant discourse and results in the creation of a new discourse in a postmodern work of art; a discourse that requires a different way of perception than what was previously the case. In his writings on acinema, he views motion as the basic building block of cinema and believes that acinema eliminates all motions that are necessary for the creation of a filmic work. This study attempts to elucidate the new connections between event, acinema, and postmodern art in Lyotard’s notions, and answer “How can the event, in Lyotard’s opinion, be effective in the birth of postmodernism as two conceptions of ahistorical and acinema that contradict cinema?”
Research objective:This research, while formulating the relationship between the two concepts of event and acinema as two important components of artistic and cinematic critique according to Lyotard, aims to demonstrate how postmodernism manifests as a stylistic and broadly non-historical matter in cinema, and how Lyotard’s acinema is realized.
Research method: This descriptive-analytical research conducted a desk study to collect data.
Conclusion: With the occurrence of the event paradigm in films, the genre inherent in each work becomes blurred, and new and unexpected genres emerge. As a result, the display of the impossible becomes possible, and acinema emerges in contrast to cinema. In this way, postmodernism is revealed not as a historical period, but rather in a stylistic form.


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