a research on aesthetic of the relation between image and narrative literature.

Document Type : Research Article



The architect of the imaginative world is the imaginative faculty which is one of the man’s faculties. An art works takes it’s essence from imaginary worlds as the imagination work is illustrating and it is on the base of the artist’s observations  which the image create artistic forms. Art arrives from imaginary world and philosophy from the world of wisdom.
A painter creates the most beautiful literary imagination forms on the base of aesthetic form preference, out of the context of the story and narration in his mind.
Imagination should never contrast the context; however it can provide visual interpretations from the context and explains different aspects of the context interpretation in the form of imagination. As the concepts in literary and imaginary context are not inherent part of the words and figures, therefore they are interpreted by the onlooker on the base of their presuppositions. An art context either literary or figurative is like a raw material for the addressee’s interpretation and interpretations are somehow the uncovered imaginations of the context meanings is the mind of the interpreters.          
What is original in literal context and literary imagination is the subject and the beauty of the presentation structure does not serve concepts, narration and the story. As a result in artwork which is dominated by communication aspects, the addressee’s understanding has a lot determining role in evaluating an artwork. 
