Tranquility at Home An Inquiry on Tranquility at Home from Islamic Perspective in Two Patterns of Apartments and Detached Houses with Courtyards in Kerman

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Achitecture, Yasouj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Achitecture, Yasouj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasouj, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor in Architecture, Faculty of Technical Engineering, University of Yasouj, Iran.


Problem statement: One of the most important functions of a home is to provide comfort to its residence. The importance of this issue is such that Ayah 80 of Surah An- Nahl explicitly emphasizes the need for the home to be soothing for its residence. However, how to achieve this meaning about home has been less studied in specialized texts, particularly in the field of architecture. This issue is of particular importance concerning contemporary homes, whose residents consider it as a place of rest and relaxation more than ever due to the various problems of urban life.
Research objectives: in the present study, besides investigating the views of scholars and theorists of architecture and environmental psychology, tries to extract the factors of creating tranquility from Islamic viewpoint and its adoption with the house residents’ current spatial-behavioral models. Based on this, in this study, the tranquility reliability in two current models of contemporary houses including apartments and detached houses with yard will be investigated.
Research method: The research method in the present study is a descriptive and analytical method which in addition to examining the theories of researchers and theorists of architecture and environmental psychology, tries to extract the factors of relaxation from the Islamic point of view and its adaptation to current spatial-behavioral patterns. The research process was carried out in such a way that in the first stage, through interviews with the residence of the homes, the spatial features, environmental capabilities and current behavioral patterns in them was found. In the next step, whit the method of logical reasoning, semantic systems derived from the spatial characteristics of each pattern were found and the manifestation of three levels of tranquility including physical comfort, mental tranquility and spiritual tranquility in the desired patterns was explained.
Conclusion: This article finally concluded that the metaphor of tranquility and its different levels i.e. physical comfort, mental tranquility and spiritual tranquility) is reflected in the pattern of detached houses more than the pattern of apartments, which is also affected by the variety of spatial features and environmental capabilities in this pattern of the house comparing to the apartment type.


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