The Relation between the Objective Aspects and the Aesthetic Perception of Web Pages Case Study: The Website of Iranian Newspapers in the Year 2019

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate Art Research, Faculty of Art, Tarbiat Modares Univrsity, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art,Tarbiat Modares Univrsity, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate of Information Technology Management, Department of Management, Faculty of Social and economic Sciences, Alzahra University.


Problem statement: The visual aesthetic design of a website, as an inseparable part of human experience in interaction with technology, is capable of meeting the needs of emotional and multi-sense experiences. The identification of components that raises the quality of visual attraction for the user has become the prime concern in the design of webpages. For this reason, this study focuses on understanding the aesthetic quality of webpage and attempts to answer the question of how can the visual components strengthen the users’ appreciation of aesthetics.
Research objective: This Research have two aims. The first aim is to evaluate the impact of visual components of webpage design on the user’s subjective evaluation of aesthetics in the websites of the newspapers. The second aim is to discover the relation between the objective factors of design and the aspects of aesthetic perception.
Research method: From a practical point of view and approach, this study is of descriptive – analytical category. The method of data collection is based on study of documents and findings from questionnaires.
Conclusion: The research’s findings highlight the significant impact of the objective design components on the general perception of webpage aesthetics. The three factors of unity, variety and dynamism are instrumental in strengthening the aesthetic values when designing websites. Unity is the only factor involved in all the aspects of subjective perception of aesthetics. It also has a great impact on the two aspects of classical and expressive aesthetics through its impact on simplicity and craftsmanship. The factor of variety has a negative relation with all the dimensions of subjective aesthetics. According to results,   websites that established the ideal balance between visual unity and variety, have gained the highest position in the general ranking of aesthetics. In the end, practical solutions to enhance the aesthetic quality of webpages through visual design have been proposed.


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