Reflections on the Public Art: Comparative Case Study of the Elgolu Park in Tabriz (Iran) and Lampini Park in Bangkok (Thailand)

Document Type : Research Article


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By the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, rapid technological changes, increasing
urbanization, and the login art to Urban Space, everyday lives of the people bounded to the ‘public spaces’.
Hereby, new ‘institutions’ were in need, and ‘city’ turned into one of the fundamental problematic sites of
inquiry for artists, urban planners, designers, architects, politicians, and every individual citizen around the
globe. In 1920s, as one among many solutions to the problematic of the ‘cities’ and ‘citizenship’, ‘public
art’ increasingly caught the attentions and preformed an undeniable role in the everyday lives of the people.
As an analytical-comparative analysis, this inquiry analyzes urban spaces in two main public spaces in
Thailand and Iran comparatively: Lampini Park in Bangkok and Elli Park in Tabriz. From structural
perspective, the two are significantly similar; which makes the research justified methodologically.
Despite the similarities such as the area of Parks, having lakes and being constructed in the same time,
the comparative analysis, based on the analytical components, illustrates that the spaces had been used
Contrary to what the analysis the Lampini Park in Bangkok shows, there is no distinction between the
interior and exterior structures in case of Elgolu Park in Tabriz; which means the designers faced two
different spaces with one single logic and mind set. Not only cannot meet the requirements, but also is
caused special confusion and disorder as well.


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