Comparative interpretation of the influence of the Egyptian Revival movement on American architecture in the 20th century

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Hossein Soltanzadeh, Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

3 Alaleh Samir, Ph.D. Student, Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University of Pardis Branch, Tehran, Iran.



Problem statement: Many buildings in the West have the reflection of Egypt's past architecture. This research studies the origin of "The Egyptian Revival Movement" and the formation of "The Egyptian Architecture Revival" in America, in which, the artist uses the shapes, motifs, and images of ancient Egyptian works of art, which is attributed to the awareness of Western artists about the historical works of ancient Egypt after the conquest by Napoleon in 1798.

Research Objective: Trying to discover the roots and influence of ancient Egyptian art and architecture on American architecture in the 20th century.

Research method: This qualitative research aims to find the roots and how ancient Egyptian art and architecture influenced American architectural works in the 20th century with an interpretive-historical method.

Conclusion: Results show that after the conquest of Egypt by Napoleon, many artists of the following decades were inclined to the art and architecture of ancient Egypt, which led to the formation of the Revival movement of Egyptian architecture. In this way, many architectural buildings were designed and constructed with the inspiration of the art and architecture of ancient Egypt in form and elements such as sanctuary, pylon, peristyle, pyramid, and also Egyptian motifs like papyrus, gorge-cornice with vulture-winged solar globe.
