Judgment Criteria for Public Buildings Design in Governmental Organizations

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Borujerd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Bou Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran.


Problem statement: Judgment and evaluation of architectural designs have been among the challenges that designers and architects deal with. This challenge is more serious at the professional level due to the sensitivity of designs and these scales. In general, the lack of comprehensive and clear criteria for evaluating and judging architectural designs is named as the most substantial reason causing this issue. The intellectual foundations of the study have been shaped based on the following questions: What criteria are used to judge and evaluate architectural designs? Are design providers or participants in governmental organizations satisfied with the top design chosenor is this choice the outcome of the personal interests of the jury, political rents, and popularity of consultant companies or competitors? Finally, is the top design selected based on certain criteria and regulations that are everyone’s favorite? 
Research objective: The study attempts toidentify the mechanism, criteria, and characteristics of the jury that judges these designs, and finally develop the proposed checklist forjudging and evaluating public building’ design in governmental organizations. 
Research method: The datawere obtained from analysis of open and semi-in-depth interviews with architecture experts. This study uses the practical method of “Grounded Theory” in architectural studies to identify the judgment criteria for public buildings’ design in governmental organizations based on the interpretations provided by architecture experts. 
Conclusion: Research findings and categories point to the characteristics of the jurors and their judgment technique. The results show that when professional and competent jurors are employed to judge the architectural designs, the judgment process and its criteria are done accurately with fewer problems. Ultimately, the core category or theme titled “The selected legitimate and competent jury” has been presented in addition to the criteria and conditions involved in the judgment process, as well as the characteristics of the jurors who judge these designs. 


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