Architecture as Absolute: Reviewing Aristotle’s Metaphysics of Architecture

Document Type : Research Article


Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Iran.


Problem statement: Research on “philosophy of architecture,” if the exact meaning of the word is considered, begins with studying the opinions in philosophy regarding architecture. Among a few philosophers who have spoken about architecture, whether it is a science or an art, Aristotle, with his pure and original thoughts, is truly in a high position. In the philosopher’s opinion, architecture is defined by its foundation. For him, the foundation of the building is considered the origin of its existence. Architecture is not defined by the existence of accidents and the issue of the phenomenon, but contrary to the opinions of experts of the modern period, known in return for its foundation and not through the recognition of complications and human states that appear through living architectural spaces. In this way, the architectural effect is not recognized merely within the scope of a transverse or phenomenal situation. The concern of an architect is not to build endless phenomenal things along with the house but to build something that is essential in the end and is even ultimately independent of the architect himself. In a word, the house is for the house itself and not for anything else. 
Research objective: The research objective is to investigate the Aristotelian view of architecture and to know the ontology of architectural construction.
Conclusion: In this research, the Aristotelian view of architecture is introduced from the perspective and origin of the theory of “architecture in an absolute way,”  i.e., an architecture that is in accordance with the philosopher’s ruling and the ontological possibility of architectural construction and is discussed in defense of it. Some constructive considerations in the theory with the help of the Aristotelian plan have been discovered and explained.


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