A Conceptual Framework for Cultural Tourists’ Perception of Travel with Focus on Spirituality “Case Study :Isfahan”

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Tourism Management, Faculty of Tourism Science, University of Scince and Culture, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Tourism Sciences, University of Science and Culture


Statement of Problem: The quest for the discovery of reality and meaning of existence prompted human being to tour the globe in order to realize his non-material and spiritual dimensions in parallel with his quest for cognition. Cultural attractions have always captivated tourists. Tourists travel to culturally important spots to get familiar with and understand the culture and history of inhabitants of different territories. When the cultural tourist is a human being endowed with non-material faculties based on the five senses, the environment and society, his perception of travel is not limited to materialistic perception. Therefore, it is necessary to study the concept of a cultural tourist’s perception based on spiritual themes.
Objective: Presenting a conceptual framework for cultural tourists’ perception of travel to Naqsh-e Jahan Square of Isfahan with a focus on spirituality. 
Research Methodology: This qualitative research follows a descriptive-analytical approach using desk research data and relying on direct observations of foreign tourists at Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan in spring 2018.
Conclusion: A cultural tourist’s perception at the level of the five senses, the environment and society occurs in the context of spirituality as the very existential essence of human being. A cultural tourist’s perception stemming from individual and environmental factors on a cultural attraction guarantees spirituality that is expressed with the focus on internal joy and happiness, connection with self and existence, metaphysical forces, feeling of serenity, return to self and exploring one’s missing soul through connection with the Creator of being.


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