Boukhara water network as the landscape infrastructure of the city The rise and fall of an urban landscape infrastructure

Document Type : Research Article



Throughout  the centuries, cities of the Iranian plateau shaped, developed and sustained with deep and mutual connection with the water resources and networks. today, readout the multifaceted and multi functional connection of these infrastructures with the pre industrial cities and extract theirdominants principals help us in redefining the mono faceted relation between the water supplies networks, as one of the modern urban infrastructures, and our industrial cities. One of the most advanced examples of the comprehensive relation between city and water system, was formed in the north east of Iran- today Uzbekistan- in the city of Boukahra.  A developed water system based on surface water which, still in our time, it’s remaining- in spite of the 90% demolition- demonstrate the considerable role in the urban landscape of Bukhara. "how this water network transform as the landscaping infrastructure for the city and had a multifaceted role in Bukhara and its citizens life?", "how this semi- natural network sustained in the city and developed systematically with the development of the city?" these are the questions that this article aime to reply by research in the historical and modern documents on Bukhara. this research attempt to refine the dominant principles of  the formation and development of the water networks in the Bukhara considering the various facets of its connection with the the spatial- physical structure of the city and the subjective structure of the citizens. the results of this inquiry revealed tow important and related points : firstly, the water network of Boukhara formed a deep relation in the various layers with spatial and social structure of the city ( subjective and objective life of city and citizens) by which this network played a considerable role in the urban landscape of Boukhara and upgraded fromthe functional system with the mere Subsistence and servicerole to the landscaping network with the multi functional and symbolic role for the city. Secondly, the functional requirements to this network, was the prerequisite for the formation of the system but not the sufficient condition for this kind of development of the system.  In the other word, subjective integration between the water network and its components with the citizens and their life guaranteed the condition and the quality of its sustainable existence among the city of Boukhara.
