An Introduction to Natural Landscape Restoration method based on Landscape Ecology Approach

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Mazandaran

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Problem Definition: Quality of natural landscapes is reduced by unconscious intervention which disrupts ecological process of natural beds. Therefore, to revive the values of natural beds, rectification of disturbed natural landscapes is an important issue. Furthermore, it should be noted that this rectification results in comprehensive restoring the natural landscapes. The landscape ecology is one of the earliest approaches used in conservation of natural capitals and values.
Goal: The main goal of the current research is to present a landscape restoration method based on the landscape ecology approach.
Research procedure: This research has three steps including expression of the research problem, analysis of theoretical bases of the landscape restoration along with the landscape ecology methods, and selection of the proper methods for intervention of landscape designers in natural landscapes using comments of the related experts. These steps are carried out using the descriptive-analytic and survey methods. 
Conclusion: Based on findings obtained herein, a landscape restoration method comprising five steps is proposed. These steps include 1) survey and deep observation, 2) assessment in the landscape scale, 3) recognition and ecological perception, 4) design and act, and 5) management and control. The authors briefly name the proposed method as SARDM. The proposed method emphasize on presence of designer at the field. This presence leads to better perception of spatial relation between landscape elements. Moreover, it can be mentioned that the proposed procedure enables landscape assessment in both temporal and spatial dimensions. In addition, it matches the conducted assessment with results obtained in step 1.


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