Accomplishment the Renovating Projects of Worn-out Areas, Method of the (BSC) and (AHP) Procedures (Case study : Zeynabieh Dist., Isfahan, Iran)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Architecture, Dolatabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Department of Architecture, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.


Many of the plans for the purpose of renovating worn-out areas in urban setting are deficient and whatever accomplished partly have no effective cultural and social advantage, not to mention their negative effect. Without considering time and the relevant cost no prominent opportunities or trends are defined when determining this aspect in urban management, since the related organizations have not fulfilled their obligations. Establishing the renovation plan for Zeinabieh Dist. in the city of Isfahan is on the urban planning agenda. The international and domestic experiences indicate that establishing regional office for this purpose should be considered during the project design and end it with conveyance of the project to public or private executing bodies and facilitating their execution processes. The lowest rate in renovating constructions in recent years in the worn-out areas of this city is allocated to District 14 (the study zone). This district is facing urban decay due to its informal background on settlement thus confronting an intensive shortage of specific urban services. Based on the unique physical fiber and social texture the establishment of renovation and facilitating office in this area and the analysis of the plan execution could be an appropriate approach in generalizing the findings of this study to fit similar areas through comparative analysis of the plan and effective contributions by the district office. Within the past three years, the accomplishment level of each policy is determined. The level of project accomplishment in social and confidence building is promising with a high percentage in inhabitants’ point of view regarding the plan. The first question of this study is based on acceptability approve the possibility to fulfill these actions. Also, the 2nd question of the research about lack of accomplishment of the proposals for the renovation project of the worn-out area of Zeinabieh was approved by 25% in other aspects, especially for the physical proposals. Moreover, in response to the research question, the rate of fulfilling economic proposals, traffic proposals, urban views, spatial organization and housing were determined to be 10%, 18.75%, 31.25%, 18.33% and 33.33%, respectively. Identifying the effective factors at comprehensive, intermediate and micro levels and finding their correlations and coordination with the district renovating office could prominently effects the success of the operations by their office. Informing, introducing and considering inhabitants participation role are among the main factors and essential conditions for promoting economic, social and physical conditions of the worn-out urban areas. This alone would not suffice. State, provincial and municipal authorities should support these offices in this humanistic endeavor. Here, the (BSC) and (AHP) procedures are applied. An excuse indicating the inhabitants’ unwillingness in participation causes inefficiency in drawing policies in this respect. Despite the fact of what has been going on so far, this office has to a certain degree, accomplished some awareness regarding the social aspects of the issue by determining the strategic plans with respect to their quantitative weights.


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