The Course of Resuscitation and Evolution of Contemporary Turkish Miniature

Document Type : Research Article


1  Ph.D. Candidate in Islamic Arts, Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Professor and Faculty Member in Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz, Iran.


Problem statement: The contemporary miniature of Turkey owes much to the great painting heritage of Ottoman. Although it declined during its fluctuating path after the formation of the Republic of Turkey (1923) and not traceable in Turkish art until the 1940s, it has ultimately managed to achieve special styles and personal methods with the help of artists who have tried to revive miniature. The personal styles and innovations after 1970 can be clearly traced back into two sections including thematic evolution and innovation of miniatures and then the formal evolution and innovation of the miniatures.
Research objective: This study intends to study the developments and innovations of contemporary Turkish painters and answer these two questions during the research: “What are the characteristics of Turkish miniature after the establishment of the republic?”
And “What innovative works have emerged in contemporary Turkish miniature?” »
 In this regard, to answer the questions in this study, the works of ten contemporary Miniaturists who have a personal style have been studied.
Research method: In this study it is tried to investigate the developments and innovations of contemporary Turkish painters by utilizing a descriptive-analytical method and by collecting information through library and archival methods through correspondence with the artists themselves and bringing together works from their personal collections.
Conclusion: The results indicated that a group of painters has come up with innovations in theme by benefiting from the style of Ottoman classical school of miniature, and another group has not only changed the common style of classical miniature, but also has painted in the realm of performance and conceptual arts. In other words, contemporary painters have managed to present contemporary concepts to the audience in modern expressive forms while preserving the traditions of Ottoman miniature.


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